Weather conditions and forecast for Mayo

Forecast - Environment Canada

Observed at: Whitehorse Airport
Date: Friday February 14, 2025 at 10:00 MST
Drifting Snow
Drifting Snow
Temp.: -17.4 °C
Wind Chill: -28
Wind: SSE 24 gust 43 km/h
Humidity: 63 %
Dew point: -22.7 °C
Pressure: 101.9 kPa
Tendency: rising
Visibility: 64.4 km
Sunrise: 09:44
Sunset: 18:46
Max -8°C Min -18°C
 Extended Forecast - Environment Canada
Chance of light snow (30%)
Chance of light snow
Max: -15°C
Max: -15°C
A mix of sun and cloud
A mix of sun and cloud
Max: -8°C
A mix of sun and cloud
A mix of sun and cloud
Max: -7°C
A mix of sun and cloud
A mix of sun and cloud
Max: -3°C
A mix of sun and cloud
A mix of sun and cloud
Max: -5°C
A mix of sun and cloud
A mix of sun and cloud
Max: -3°C
Friday night
Chance of light snow (30%)
Chance of light snow
Min: -19°C
Saturday night
Min: -18°C
Sunday night
Cloudy periods
Cloudy periods
Min: -14°C
Monday night
Cloudy periods
Cloudy periods
Min: -8°C
Tuesday night
Cloudy periods
Cloudy periods
Min: -12°C
Wednesday night
Cloudy periods
Cloudy periods
Min: -10°C


Whitehorse, YT (Issued: Friday February 14, 2025 at 05:00 MST)

Cloudy. 30 percent chance of light snow this afternoon. Drifting snow. Wind south 40 km/h gusting to 60. High minus 15. Wind chill minus 33 this morning and minus 27 this afternoon. Risk of frostbite.
Cloudy with 30 percent chance of light snow early this evening. Clearing late this evening. Drifting snow. Wind south 40 km/h gusting to 60. Low minus 19. Wind chill near minus 30. Risk of frostbite.
Sunny. Drifting snow. Wind south 30 km/h gusting to 50. High minus 15. Wind chill minus 31 in the morning and minus 26 in the afternoon. Risk of frostbite.
Saturday night
Clear. Low minus 18.
A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 8.
Sunday night
Cloudy periods. Low minus 14.
A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 7.
Monday night
Cloudy periods. Low minus 8.
A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 3.
Tuesday night
Cloudy periods. Low minus 12.
A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 5.
Wednesday night
Cloudy periods. Low minus 10.
A mix of sun and cloud. High minus 3.

24 Hour Forecast - Whitehorse, YT


Weather Conditions

14 February 2025
11:00 -16 Cloudy (0%)  Cloudy Nil S 40 gust 60 -29
12:00 -16 Cloudy (0%)  Cloudy Nil S 40 gust 60 -28
13:00 -15 Cloudy (0%)  Cloudy Nil S 40 gust 60 -28
14:00 -15 Chance of light snow (30%)  Chance of light snow Low S 40 gust 60 -27
15:00 -15 Chance of light snow (30%)  Chance of light snow Low S 40 gust 60 -27
16:00 -15 Chance of light snow (30%)  Chance of light snow Low S 40 gust 60 -27
17:00 -15 Chance of light snow (30%)  Chance of light snow Low S 40 gust 60 -27
18:00 -16 Chance of light snow (30%)  Chance of light snow Low S 40 gust 60 -28
19:00 -16 Chance of light snow (30%)  Chance of light snow Low S 40 gust 60 -29
20:00 -17 Cloudy (0%)  Cloudy Nil S 40 gust 60 -30
21:00 -17 Mainly cloudy (0%)  Mainly cloudy Nil S 40 gust 60 -30
22:00 -17 Partly cloudy (0%)  Partly cloudy Nil S 40 gust 60 -30
23:00 -17 A few clouds (0%)  A few clouds Nil S 40 gust 60 -30
15 February 2025
00:00 -17 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 40 gust 60 -30
01:00 -16 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 40 gust 60 -29
02:00 -16 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 40 gust 60 -29
03:00 -16 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 40 gust 60 -29
04:00 -16 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 40 gust 60 -29
05:00 -16 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 40 gust 60 -29
06:00 -17 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 30 gust 50 -29
07:00 -18 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 30 gust 50 -30
08:00 -19 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 30 gust 50 -31
09:00 -19 Clear (0%)  Clear Nil S 30 gust 50 -31
10:00 -19 Sunny (0%)  Sunny Nil S 30 gust 50 -31
† Likelihood of Precipitation (LOP) as described in the public forecast as a chance of measurable precipitation for a period of time.
  Nil: 0%
  Low: 40% or below
  Medium: 60% or 70%
  High: Above 70%

Environment Canada